About Our Business
Sunaira, "Power to the People"
Sunaira Energy is a clean-tech company, which develops Clean Energy products that provide Solar and Wind Electric solution for Electric Vehicle (EV), Businesses, Homes, Schools and Government building for Electric and Heating solutions.
How we all can help reduce carbon emission (Overview)
We can all benefit by converting our business, schools, homes and vehicles to run on Solar or Wind generated Electricity; Use online software application to reduce paper usage thus having more trees to produce oxygen, effectively reducing carbon emissions. We can do something to save this planet from excessive carbon emissions and to effectively reduce global warming for our future generations.
We at Sunaira are dedicated to saving the environment
We are always looking at ways to develop new technologies and business models to help reduce oil dependency. We are excited to see that auto maker
are announcing new automobiles with electric plug-in technologies. We also see that Online software application use are increasing. We see that all these will help reduce oil dependency.
We see a huge opportunity and are excited to be part of the clean-tech revolution which will help create a cleaner world for future generations.
Please join us to save the environment as investors, customers or as employees. Or you can be a supporter by purchasing a $10 sticker for your car to create awareness.